Project: Bahrain International Airport; Remote Apron Stands
Value : BD 28,400,000/-
Year : April 2008 – September 2011
Role : Consultant
Client : Ministry of Works
Main Contractor : Jacobs UK
Major Works:
- Construction of Pavement Quality Concrete Apron – 100,000m2
- Filling -150,000m3
- Drainage piping upto 1400 dia including chambers, interceptor etc– 7000 m
- Drainage Pumping Station – 1 NR
- Electrical Sub station including all services- 1 NR
- Ground Service Equipment Building including services – 1 Nr
- Asphalt Pavement taxiways –200,000m2
- Airfield grould lighting system, high mast lighting, 11kv cabling works
- Docking Guidance system, Communication system, fuel main, fire fighting main
Construction of 10 new apron stands and new taxiways, associated ground lighting, high mast lighting and electrical sub-station, storm water drains, oil interceptor, storm water pumping station, new fuel main, new water Supply Main, Communication system, Docking Guidance System, CCTV Cameras etc.
Additional variations were awarded which included Construction of Ground Services Equipment Building including all services, Infrastructure works for Multiple Ramp access system, all civil works for Ground Service Equipment.